What can BWA Women do for you?
Falls Church, VA 22046
Here are just a few Baptist women’s stories
“It was so great! It was challenging and motivating!”
“I am fully connected to Baptist women in my area and am being guided well. I recently completed a discipleship training which lasted 18 months and things are going on well as I am in a great network or organized women.”
“We have no road connections so our main transport system is small planes or sometimes we walk. We trained nine women leaders representing their local associations which is about 20-26 local churches in an association. So with all of our hearts we are thankful for all our sisters out there in the world for your love, your prayers and continuous support.”

There are many stories from women of how they have been encouraged and blessed by participating in the Baptist Women’s Worl d Day of Prayer but for a taste of that experience, read the short article about a Day of Prayer experience that was held at Baylor University in Texas, USA. Baylor third year student, Evelyn Ofong, said, ““It was edifying to see diverse women coming together in prayer — women who represented different ethnic, geographic, socioeconomic and age groups,” Ofong said. “Praying during the pandemic was especially powerful. As women prayed for regions and parts of the world, the different accents and expressions of prayer reminded me of how different this world is; however, God is the same Father of all.”