Religious Freedom

Standing Together for Freedom

Women around the world face unique challenges, including the lack of religious freedom for many. While there are many organizations that advocate for freedom of religion and belief, there is still a great need to address the specific difficulties that women face. Baptist World Alliance Women is committed to stand together in prayer, advocacy, and education in this area. We are committed to do so through strategic partnerships, including collaboration with 21Wilberforce Global Freedom Center and the FoRB Women’s Alliance.

The FoRB Women’s Alliance is a community of individuals, NGOs, and faith groups working to change the narrative around women and freedom of religion or belief. We strive to better understand current and emerging issues; highlight trends; tell compelling stories; and advance solutions. As an accelerator, the Alliance strives to increase the impact of existing initiatives that focus on the intersection of women and FoRB (both the vulnerabilities and opportunities). 

More information coming soon about religious freedom resources!