As a result of ongoing displacement due to the ethnic violence in the state of Manipur, India, countless individuals and families have been impacted. The ethnic conflict between the Meetei and Kuki-Zo Community has caused a reported 166 deaths. More than 200 villages and 7000 homes have been burned down, 360 churches set ablaze, and 40,000 people displaced. Recognizing the urgent need to address the socioeconomic challenges of the displaced, this handloom project seeks to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) through training and skill development. The handloom initiative will benefit widows of IDPs and young women who were unable to pursue higher education due to the unrest.
Through your generous gift to the 2024 Day of Prayer Offering, you are helping finance the handloom project which aims to provide comprehensive training programs in handloom weaving techniques and design development by skilled trainers. Financial support will be utilized to source raw materials, provide technical support, and equip women to promote and sell the handloom products to generate much-needed income.