A portable well is needed in Millersville, the Mission Outreach Campus of Guyana Missionary Baptist Church, to provide safe and clean drinking water to the community residents, campers, patients, church members, and farm workers. For decades, the Millersville community has relied on rainwater harvesting and the nearby creeks for its water supply. However, these sources of water are growing more and more limited having been severely impacted by the local climate and seasonal patterns. Additionally, the creek water quality often contains pollutants, sediments, and pathogens. The unreliable water supply and contaminated water contributes to poor living conditions, hampers economic activities, and negatively affects the wellbeing of residents.
Through your generous gift to the 2024 Day of Prayer Offering, you are helping support the construction of a portable water well that will provide safe and clean drinking water, improving the quality of life for this community in Guyana and opening the door for Gospel witness to share about the source of Living Water.