Lighters of Hope in Darkness

Country: Philippines
Organization responsible: Philippine Women Missionary Unions of the Baptist Convention

The Philippines Women Missionary Unions are concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and children in their country. They are finding that women, as managers of the home, are finding it difficult to make ends meet because of scarce work opportunities. Children are experiencing stress due to online education and lack of activities outside the home. This has been enough of a stressor that some of them are becoming “cutters” and suicidal with some youth actually taking their lives as a result of their inability to cope.

The Philippine Women Missionary Unions would like to train women, in collaboration with other groups, to help as “Lighters of Hope” in this dark situation.

The Lighters of Hope project will provide resources to:

  1. Strengthen psychological well-being through online resource kits that help identify, prevent, and address mental health issues.
  2. Impact economic issues by providing seed money to start small businesses and livelihood projects to augment the families’ income.

Through your offerings on the Day of Prayer this year, you will be able to make an impact in bringing hope in the darkness. Thank you!


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November 5, 2021