The Baptist Christian Women of the 12th District of Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT) would like to present the “Blessings from Frog Farming” project for better life of children, orphans and widows in the community. F.R.O.G. is associated with our project as “Faithful & Rely on God” for His guidance and provision for the ministry.
The purpose of the “Frog Farm” project is to look after orphans and under privileged children and teach them about Jesus Christ; to build a solid foundation of faith so that they can become leaders in faith to their friends and to see that the faith in Jesus Christ will be passed on from one generation to the next.

Pastor Nittaya has 3 hopes:
- Hope for today:
The orphan and underprivileged children have food to eat, eager to learn at school, know how to take care of frogs and have other skills to work and help Pastor Nittaya. - Hope for tomorrow:
This Frog project can support:
– Sunday school and church activities
– Care and support education for children through local school in order to give them have the opportunity to advance to university and live away their careers and move out of poverty. - Hope for Eternity:
Through proper education, Sunday school and training program, they can be equipped to be salt and light to their family and share the message of Jesus Christ and outreach to the community.

Have you ever eaten frog-meat before? The meat is very tasty. Frog meat can be cooked in variety of ways such as frog meat stir-fried with garlic, fried frog meat in red curry and etc.
Pastor Nittaya’s story

With a vision to start a church to preach the Gospel and outreach to unbelievers in her home town, a piece of land was acquired to make a church building. This was supported by the Taiwanese hospital and the 12th District of CCT and its members. There are more than 23-million people living in the North eastern part of Thailand and there are less than 43,000 Christians. The gospel is the heart of everything she does. There are so many unreached non-believers, and how to reach out to them is not at all easy.
Now that the church building is ready and in use, Pastor Nittaya has to manage and maintain the church building. The church is not only a place for worship on Sunday it is also a place where she provides food, education, love and care for local children (especially orphans) and those who are widows and homeless. In 2018, she started the “Frog Farm” from her own savings and started to grow frogs which are sold mostly to wholesale buyers. The money from the sale is used to support all church expenses.
Mother Teresa once said “I can do things you cannot; you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” We believe that the “Frog Farm” project will be a blessing and help to children and widows to have a better life. Action speaks louder than words. Let us see how God can do amazing things for His work.