Trusting God for Healing

When my second child (Ernesto) was 7 years old, his appendix ruptured. Late one night, he developed severe abdominal pain, fever, chills, and weakness. Ernesto cried bitterly and needed immediate medical referral. We rushed him to the clinic with the help of other family members. Upon close examination, the doctor told us that Ernesto’s appendix ruptured, resulting in an infection throughout his abdomen. It was serious and life-threatening, so the doctor’s advice was to have immediate surgery to remove the appendix and clean the abdominal cavity.

I was shocked and broke into tears. I did not know what to do next. Ernesto’s dad had recently run for election for one of the seats in Papua New Guinea’s national parliament and was away in another province. This caused me to look to the Lord for his strength and comfort at that moment.

Ernesto was brought to the Port Moresby General Hospital emergency department around midnight from the clinic. We waited through the night for the doctors to attend to him but to no avail. By the next morning, Ernesto was so weak. One of the doctors noticed us and requested that Ernesto be admitted and undergo urgent surgery. Ernesto was admitted, and they took him into the operating theatre that evening.

After the surgery, Ernesto was admitted to the ward. The next day Ernesto developed seizures (a medical term for a fit or convulsion) that caused sudden bursts of electrical activity in his brain and temporarily interfered with the normal messaging process. He developed temporary confusion, staring spells, and uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs which caught us by surprise. He also experienced loss of consciousness and awareness. The doctors admitted Ernesto to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for further observation.

The doctors told us that Ernesto had developed post-surgery complications, and his condition was very serious. It was his 8th birthday.

With tears rolling down my chin, I saw my local senior pastor with our local women’s fellowship president (Sister Janet) standing beside the sick bed. Hallelujah! They joined me and we prayed – asking God to intervene. I felt fear and doubt disappearing when we joined hands in prayer. They encouraged me to not be afraid but have faith.

Ernesto’s condition deteriorated. His face and stomach swelled. Doctors advised us that they needed to perform a second surgery. I spoke a silent prayer and said: “O God, give me strength and peace that my son will be healed.” And praise God, he did this. My son went for his operation, and it was successful. Doctors told us “it was very rare for an 8 year old to go through the process.”

I thank God for his power of healing over my son. The local women leaders from the Baptist churches within Port Moresby along with their pastors supported us in prayer and intercession to see God move and bring healing and restoration. I want to bring encouragement to you all that we are children of the most High God. We are more than conquerors, and we can overcome all situations that are far beyond human limits. I want to encourage my dear beloved sisters that there is nothing that our God cannot do. Always have faith and be encouraged to do good. He demonstrated his faithfulness through my son that he is still the God who heals. If he can do it for me, He will do it for you too.

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