(FALLS CHURCH, VIRGINIA – October 14, 2022) For more than 70 years, Baptist women around the world have united every November for Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer. This year a new tradition will be added to the historic event as Baptist World Alliance Women (BWA Women) kicks off the 2022 Day of Prayer this Saturday, October 15, with an online global worship experience.
“Time and distance have long been limiting factors in our ability to gather on a global level, but we are grateful to leverage technology this year that in many incredible ways defies past limits,” said J. Merritt Johnston, BWA Women Executive Director. “What a legacy to honor and a history to join as we gather in new ways to pray in homes, churches, and communities around the world. I believe women will be encouraged and inspired to worship in multiple languages, study God’s Word alongside global leaders, and hear ministry updates from across the globe.”
Participants can choose from one of three worship times listed below.
ASIA and PACIFIC: 12:00 pm AEDT (Sydney Time)
AFRICA, EUROPE, and the MIDDLE EAST: 12:00 pm CEST (Paris Time)
Those interested in joining are encouraged to register for the Day of Prayer online platform, which is another new addition to this year’s resources. Through the platform, women can network with women’s ministry leaders around the world, participate in prayer-focused devotions, discover how others are celebrating Day of Prayer, and collaborate to further the global mission. The worship services will also be available for viewing on the BWA Women YouTube channel. All are encouraged to visit to subscribe.
Traditionally celebrated on the first Monday of November, Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer has grown in recent years to include the months of October and November with observances from BWA Women continental unions, national Baptist women’s unions and associations, as well as individual churches in every region of the world.
BWA Women leaders have created numerous resources for Day of Prayer including a 40-day prayer calendar, testimonies from each continent, and a detailed prayer guide with prayer requests and praises from each of the seven continental unions. The guide also includes a Bible study written by BWA Women President Karen Wilson focused on this year’s theme and biblical text: “Victorious Life” taken from 2 Corinthians 2:14 – “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in the triumph of Christ, and through us reveals the fragrance of the knowledge of him in every place.”
“We are to bring this aroma of Christ to a world in great need of such a fragrance. When we are present, the fragrance is vivid. However, even when we depart, the fragrance still lingers. Then, regardless of the state of our world, the challenges that arise, or the conflicts around us, victory is found in bringing the nature of God – the true knowledge of God – to every situation,” said Wilson.
Women are also encouraged to participate in the annual Day of Prayer global offering that is utilized to support initiatives in each of the seven continental women’s unions and BWA Women’s five global ministry areas: (1) Worship, Fellowship, and Unity; (2) Mission and Evangelism; (3) Aid, Relief, and Community Development; (4) Religious Freedom, Human Rights, and Justice; and (5) Advancing Theological Reflection and Transformational Leadership.
This year’s projects include healthcare training for those responding to the crisis in Myanmar, evangelistic outreach through women’s conferences in Iraq, expansion of a crisis hotline ministry in Latin America, crisis pregnancy care in Canada, education for girls and young women in Cameroon, women-focused literacy training in Papua New Guinea, equipment for a safe shelter in Jamaica, and support for a hope house ministry in Azerbaijan offering care for victims of gender-based violence and sex trafficking. In addition, the offering will help support BWA Women’s continued response to the global refugee crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine, economic crisis in Venezuela, military coup in Myanmar, and beyond.
“Just the thought of women from all over the world uniting in prayer to pray for the lost, pray for those suffering, and to especially pray for a fallen world where you see so many struggling each day. It totally and completely excites me to know I can and will be a part of this event,” says Donna Rackley from Columbia, Mississippi (USA). Jane Ridge from the United Kingdom adds, “It’s a time of bringing Baptist women together to focus on praying for all women worldwide. It is a very spiritual time, especially knowing the whole world is praying too.”
Women are encouraged to follow BWA Women on Facebook and Instagram on Monday, November 7, for updates from Day of Prayer gatherings around the world. To learn more or to access Day of Prayer resources, visit

Media Contact:
J. Merritt Johnston
Director of Communications & Media
Phone: +1 (703) 889-7206