The Sweet Aroma of a Victorious Life

A Bible Study from BWA Women President Karen Wilson

Just recently I celebrated a birthday and my husband asked me what he could purchase for me as a gift.

The only thing I wanted was a beautiful new fragrance. I don’t have an abundance of perfumes, but simply one I wear daily. So we headed out to the store. After what seemed like an endless time spent trying this one and that one, I landed on the one I wanted. It ‘smelled just right’ and matched exactly what I wanted.

You could be excused for looking at the world around you and thinking that perhaps discussing perfume is a little frivolous. There seems to be so much suffering and pain, so much uncertainty, so many struggles. You are right. All these things are part of our everyday.

Yet, regardless of those things, we walk in a victorious life where the true fragrance we are being asked to wear is not purchased over a counter but is that of Jesus Christ. This is an irresistible fragrance that the world is attracted to. It’s not fleeting – it doesn’t run out over time. It just grows stronger and more beautiful the longer it is present.

The apostle Paul, whilst recognizing the challenges he and the church were facing, said these words: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in the triumph of Christ, and through us reveals the fragrance of the knowledge of him in every place.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)

The fragrance of the knowledge of God revealed. That is something that truly draws others in. The very essence and nature of God is an irresistible scent:

  • God is infinite(Psalm 147:5)
  • God never changes(Malachi 3:6)
  • God is all powerful(Psalm 33:6)
  • God is all knowing(Isaiah 46:9-10)
  • God is wise(Romans 11:33)
  • God is faithful(2 Timothy 2:13)
  • God is good(Psalm 34:8)
  • God is fair and just(Deuteronomy 32:4)
  • God is merciful(Romans 9:15-16)
  • God is gracious(Psalm 145:8)
  • God is love(1 John 4:7-8)

The list is endless. The aroma is compelling. Victorious life is indeed found in resting in God and all He is, and as we do that, “everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation — an aroma redolent with life.” 2 Corinthians 2:14b (The Message)

This exquisite fragrance is rich. It is vibrant. It brings life to those who are without life. We are to bring this aroma of Christ to a world in great need of such a fragrance. When we are present, the fragrance is vivid. However, even when we depart, the fragrance still lingers. Then, regardless of the state of our world, the challenges that arise, or the conflicts around us, victory is found in bringing the nature of God – the true knowledge of God – to every situation. God will use us to carry his aroma into every circumstance with every step we take. The sweet aroma of a victorious life.

For Discussion and Introspection
  • What are some ways you have seen the fragrance of God revealed in your life or in the lives of women in your community?
  • Which aspect of God’s nature listed on the previous page is the most meaningful to you right now and why?
  • How does the knowledge that the Lord is always “leading us to triumph” encourage you in the midst of the challenges you are facing today?
  • What steps can you take in the coming weeks to reveal the exquisite fragrance of Christ in your (a) home (b) church and (c) community?
  • Incorporate a time of gratitude and praise into your prayer time, asking the Spirit to reveal ways you are experiencing victory in your daily life.

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